IITBombayX's FDP101x !! Foundation Program in ICT for Education - Sep 13 to Oct 18, 2018

About This Course
This course is exclusively for teachers/trainers. The registration for this course can be done here. The last date of registration is September 19, 2018.
Teachers already face myriad problems such as varying student interest and abilities, student focus on exam testing, managing large classes, and so on. To mitigate some of these problems, teachers are often called upon to explore use of technology in their classrooms. However, lack of awareness of both the technology and the effective technology integration practices is a barrier for large-scale adoption in regular teaching-learning process.
This course will provide awareness to both technology and effective practices of technology integration. Participants of this course will be expected to use these technologies during the course, to design materials and activities for teaching-learning in their own topics. This will help them to become informed teachers and tackle teaching-learning problems competently.
Course Learning Objectives
After successful completion of this course participants will be able to:- Identify various ICT devices and applications useful in teaching-learning
- Develop awareness towards ethical practices for use of ICT in education
- Make use of best practices for information dissemination using ICT
Preliminary Computer Literacy (Basic Operations, Web Browsing) and Teaching experience
View Course Syllabus
Course Staff
Prof. Deepak B Phatak
Dr Deepak B Phatak has been working with IIT Bombay since 1971. His main concern is improvement in quality of education, at a large scale commensurate with the Indian national aspirations. Towards this end, he has dovetailed the synchronous distance education which he started at IIT Bombay 15 years ago, into an innovative program for training 10,000 teachers at a time. He believes in developing affordable technological solutions. He heads the national initiative on Aakash tablets. He has been an advisor and IT consultant to organizations and companies, and has worked on many company boards. He has won several distinctions and awards, and has been conferred ‘Padma Shri’ by the Government of India.
Prof. Kannan M. Moudgalya
Dr. Kannan M. Moudgalya is a professor of Chemical Engineering, Systems and Control, and Educational Technology at IIT Bombay. He was a visiting professor at the University of Alberta during 2003-04. Kannan studied chemical engineering at IIT Madras and Rice university, and Electrical Engineering at Rice university. Kannan has applied the principles of control, simulation and mathematical modelling in several engineering areas. His students have also applied feedback control techniques in the computer science areas, such as quality of service, optimising resource allocation and admission control for web based applications. Kannan has written two textbooks: (1) Digital Control, published by John Wiley & Sons, Chichester and (2) Optimization: theory and practice, jointly with M. C. Joshi, published by Narosa, New Delhi. Kannan is now devoting his time on spreading education on a massive scale, without quality dilution. He has been focusing on spoken tutorials, open source software systems, virtual labs and affordable tablets and laptops.
Prof. P Sunthar
P Sunthar is a faculty in the Chemical Engineering Department of IIT Bombay since 2006. His research interests are in the field of colloidal systems, fluid mechanics, and ICT enabled systems for learning assessment. Along with a few other faculty, he has designed, coordinated, and conducted an institute level `Communication Skills' course for postgraduate students of IIT Bombay, since 2010.
Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar
Dr Upendra Bhandarkar has a B Tech from IIT Bombay and an MS and PhD from the University of Minnesota, all in Mechanical Engineering. Since July 2004, he has been on the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department of IIT Bombay, first as an Assistant Professor and now as an Associate Professor. He teaches courses related to Thermodynamics (classical and statistical) and its applications to various thermal machines. His research presently focuses on molecular simulation of fluid flow in rarefied systems, nanofluids and improvement of bio-mass cook-stoves in rural areas.
Dr. Sameer S Sahasrabudhe
Dr. Sameer S Sahasrabudhe works as Senior Project Research Scientist, at the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay. He has a graduation in fine arts, post graduate diplomas in animation film making and distance education, and a doctorate in the area of eLearning animations. He has a cumulative experience of 17 years, in the areas of advertising, animation film production, eLearning content creation, research, and teaching. He has bagged awards at national and international film festivals. As an evangelist of open source 3D animation software: Blender, he has conducted several workshops, on Blender animation, and has presented at various conferences. He has guided UG and PG projects in Blender animation for eLearning, and has published widely on this topic.
Dr. Jayakrishnan M
Jayakrishnan M is a Senior Scientist at National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning, IIT Madras. He completed his PhD in "A Model for Large-scale In-service Teacher Training in Effective Technology Integration in Engineering Education" from the Inter-Disciplinary Programme in Educational Technology at IIT Bombay. His research interests in the field of Educational Technology include Teacher Technology Integration, Massive Open Online Learning, Sustainability in Teacher Professional Development and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Course Number
Classes Start
Sep 13, 2018
Classes End
Oct 18, 2018
Efforts 08:00 hours/week
Education & Teacher Training